Korean Language Education Scholarship Foundation of U.S.A.

Our Mission

Empowering the Next Generation through Korean Language Education

We promote Korean language education in the U.S. by supporting outstanding students and teachers with scholarships, preserving our heritage, and strengthening the Korean-American community.

우리의 사명

다음 세대를 위한 한국어 교육의 힘을 키웁니다

미주한국어교육장학재단은 미국에서 한국어 교육을 장려하며, 뛰어난 학생과 교사들에게 장학금을 지원하고, 우리 문화유산을 보존하며, 한인 공동체를 강화하는 데 힘쓰고 있습니다.

Who We Are

Founded in 2019 by eight former presidents of the Korean Schools Association of the U.S.A., we are a nonprofit organization driven by a deep commitment to Korean language education. What started with a generous $10,000 donation from one of our founders has grown into a mission to provide financial support for both students and teachers who excel in the field of Korean language education.

Our Purpose

We provide scholarships to students and teachers excelling in Korean language education. Our goal is to ensure that the next generation remains connected to their Korean heritage through language.

What We Do

  • Scholarships: Financial support for students and teachers

  • Fundraising: Annual events to raise scholarship funds

  • Community Impact: Cultural initiatives and education support

We will contribute to the Korean language education of future generations through scholarship programs that promote the teaching of Korean heritage to our descendants."

- Jae Min Roh, Founding Chairperson


For any questions or additional details, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Email : klesf.usa@gmail.com